crocodile dream. flies in the market. dark burning eyes. whilrwind veil. crown of bullets. bottles on the roof. rattle battle. road map. border patrol. where were you? we are your friends. calm down. this is an intervention. none of my business. gold chains. foam always rises to the top. smoke signals. reefer madness dope fiend! justice wears a wig. cool shade. snakebitten. fistful of feathers. for your enjoyment. you must do what you feel is right. extraction. this won't hurt a bit. anointed. we burn the ballots. critical mass. hands off. greed is good. living a lie. bee sting. can you direct me? riptide fast lane underground river. you sucked me in. green tree lung. it's only a game. pumping blood. pot shot target practice. suited pair. clock winding down. cracks in the mirror. what nature became.
it's all just a matter of perspective. it's hard when teh world turns upside down all the time.
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ummm...did you steal my notebook?
*shrugs* not that i know of.
phew. good. the author appears to write like me....or i appear to write like the author. difference is my writing is shite...maybe.
no i doubt it muchly. the author, hmmm this state of confusion is interesting. i think i'll indulge in some more cryptic musing if you don't mind? just who are you in this big web then?
loren, are you asking me? if so, i am only a little dust particle floating around here. rather insignificant, really. i am the standard internet patron...well, maybe a little more advanced than the typical user....wandering around the endless maze of the web universe. it really is like its own universe, don't you think? it appears to be endless, ever growing, yet shrinking at the same time. sites and pages become like dead stars and collapse onto themselves. others are created with a single thought, and evolve into it's own galaxy. i find it rather striking when thought of in those terms. don't you agree?
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