it's early evening. i'm in some sort of very tall treehouse where my parents' house should be. it's been a sunny day, unseasonably warm. as i look back out i see it's gotten quite cloudy. ominous sky. the clouds are so low now i feel i could touch them, spinning above me in an alarming fashion. the darkness grows and that eerie shape forms. i think, i've dreamt it so many times but finally i am seeing one for real. it twists in place down by the creek and i phone my father to tell him... something is amiss.
i was downstairs earlier in what appeared to be a computer lab. on assignment this afternoon. i have another story to do, doesn't he know i'm already juggling... i need to get into town. guess i have to walk. quite warm today. it's somewhere on the town square, isn't it? where is everyone? i think about how far it is in to town. half-hour left? i'll never get it all done... might as well go back. what a pleasure to sleep at my desk with everyone around.
later i'm in a metallic room with glass walls. the floor is covered with children sitting indian style. my professor is there, sort of a mentor/buffoon type. he beckons me into the hall for a pow-wow. i feel sluggish. trip over the children and fall sideways. drag myself into the hall and have a seat. the guy kneels by me, tries to tell me where i've gone wrong, how i'm not applying myself. he's examined my work in detail and has discovered a grave error which may be systemic. it's... i'm having trouble keeping my head up. i keep falling asleep.
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