bile amere/FABRICATION

Saturday, March 18, 2006

-you realize what we're talking about...
-absolutely! we must confront evil in its face.
-even to the point of...
-committing evil ourselves, yes.
-horrible! yet it seems somewhat inevitable, don't you think?
-oh yes, i can't picture it being any other way.
-what a strange and muddled circumstance...
-without doubt... but our plans must go forward. there are, after all, the sweet rewards of victory. and you must agree we can avoid no delay.
-i suppose it is true that if we gave ourselves the chance to examine the thing, doubts could be raised, flaws could be found in our endeavor.
-not at all, this would not call our actions into question. their merits are impeccable. rather, any waste of time would only embolden the enemy and invite their continued atrocities.
-such aggression they possess! hard to imagine such a people...
-impossible were it not for the same shameful mark on some in our own land, an evil which however diluted lends no end of comfort to those who would assail us.
-frightful! but we must see it is so. as you say, look the thing in its face.

-fear this, for you have sinned. follow me, for i can save you from your fate.


At 2:29 AM, Blogger a requiem for my memory said...

whatever. don't add gas to the fire. pour water on it damn it.


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